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Re: T.D. 3391, DINARRA (1) OZAN

🔗Eduardo Sabat-Garibaldi <ESABAT@ADINET.COM.UY>

1/31/2005 7:12:12 AM

Dear Ozan:

Next month I will try to send you some articles on the Dinarra.

The English version of my book, that will be ready in about two months, has 6 Chapters and a Glossary of 93 words.
The names of the chapters are the following:

1. The Dynamic Gamut.
2. The Octograma (eight line staff).
3. Tonformalismo.
4. The Dinarra.
5. Spacing the frets on the fingerboard of the Dinarra.
6. Harmonic 7

If you read Spanish, you will find details about the book under �LIBRO� in my web-page.

All the best

> Message: 8
> Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2005 14:27:39 +0200
> From: "Ozan Yarman" <>
> Subject: Re: Re: DINARRA (1)
> Dear Eduardo, I am very intrigued about this book, can you provide a little abstract for me?
> Cordially,
> Ozan

🔗Ozan Yarman <>

2/3/2005 11:02:00 AM

Dear Eduardo, I await your articles.

----- Original Message -----
From: Eduardo Sabat-Garibaldi
Sent: 31 Ocak 2005 Pazartesi 17:12
Subject: [tuning] Re: T.D. 3391, DINARRA (1) OZAN

Dear Ozan:
Next month I will try to send you some articles on the Dinarra.

The English version of my book, that will be ready in about two months, has 6 Chapters and a Glossary of 93 words.
The names of the chapters are the following:

1. The Dynamic Gamut.
2. The Octograma (eight line staff).
3. Tonformalismo.
4. The Dinarra.
5. Spacing the frets on the fingerboard of the Dinarra.
6. Harmonic 7