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microtonal notation software - recommendations wanted

🔗Dave Seidel <>

12/1/2004 5:56:42 AM

What do people recommend for notation software? Here are my requirements:

- capable of making user-defined tabulature (which I want to use for pieces performed using a MIDI controller)
- capable of handling various microtonal notation schemes (since I don't know yet which one(s) I'll use)
- runs on Windows XP (I have both Cygwin and Mingw, so I can still use a halfway sane environment)
- free (preferably) or cheap
- a decent UI is a plus, but editing text is fine too

Will lilypond do the trick? Do I have to bite the bullet and consider Finale (not my first choice due to expense and one of the worst UI designs I've ever seen)?

I already have and love Noteworthy (which is great for writing in 12-note schemes and generating MIDI files that I can then retune with Scala) but it doesn't do tab or non-standard accidentals.

Thanks all.

- Dave