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Re: RE: micro-guitar-tunings/Vogt system

🔗Darren Burgess <dburgess@xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx>

10/21/1999 6:03:26 AM

Check out the March 1992 issue of 1/1 the Journal of the Just Intonation

They have an extensive article on microtonal guitars, including photos of
the Vogt system

Also, he has a patent, which can be downloaded from the US patent office.
( I think)
Patent #4,981,064

Darren Burgess
South East Just Intonation Society
Gainesville FL
>In the first version (about 1984) every single fret, in a crescent shape
>already, had to be fixed with a small screw and could be moved about 5 mm
>both directions. That was enough to make corrections to obtain a *perfect*
>equal temperament.