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A gentle introduction to Fokker periodicity blocks, part 2 (RE)

🔗Robert C Valentine <bval@xxx.xxxxx.xxxx>

10/19/1999 4:45:41 AM

> Though I got many positive comments and good questions on part 1, no one has
> said anything about part 2. Was it too difficult? Could anything have been
> explained better? Does anyone still have any interest in this subject?

When I saw this I went back and found it. I had 'breezed through' about 60
digests when I got back from vacation and in the middle of the "modern music
and modern world eruption", missed it. So I went back, dutifully pasted the
sections together and 1) its great, 2) please continue, 3) now I know what
this matrix notation is referring to.

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.

Bob Valentine