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Carl, the canon is facing in your direction....

🔗Jonathan M. Szanto <jszanto@xxxx.xxxx>

10/15/1999 1:56:15 AM

Oh Carl,

>Bleck! The vast majority of fans of any given style are notorious for
>smirking at other styles. Partch disciples especially.

All the Partch "disciples" I happen to know have extraordinarily wide
tastes in music, and have more important things to do in life then to dis
other composers/styles.

Later, you said:
>Bitter Music? That was the first thing I read after Doty's JI Primer, when
>I got into all this business two years ago.

Two years, huh? Don't burn out...

Hugs and kisses,

Jonathan M. Szanto : Corporeal Meadows - Harry Partch, online. :