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New tuning visualisation toy for Mac OSX users

🔗Charles Lucy <>

7/11/2004 5:42:17 AM

I have been playing with topology.
The beta of the program can be found at:

To activate notes to produce chords, Hold down Shift as you point to notes.
To sound notes, Hit Return.
Check functions in menus at top of display.

Comments and suggestions appreciated.

Charles Lucy - (LucyScaleDevelopments)
------------ Promoting global harmony through LucyTuning -------
for information on LucyTuning go to:
for LucyTuned Lullabies go to or

🔗Carl Lumma <>

7/14/2004 10:05:13 AM

> I have been playing with topology.
> The beta of the program can be found at:

Very nice.

> To activate notes to produce chords, Hold down Shift as
> you point to notes.
> To sound notes, Hit Return.
> Check functions in menus at top of display.

I only have OS 9 to test on. Everything seems to work
but the sound.


🔗Carl Lumma <>

7/14/2004 10:40:59 AM

> >
> Very nice.
> > To activate notes to produce chords, Hold down Shift as
> > you point to notes.
> > To sound notes, Hit Return.
> > Check functions in menus at top of display.
> I only have OS 9 to test on. Everything seems to work
> but the sound.

Correction -- my sound driver was hosed globally. A reboot
solved this.

Your software apparently works on OS 9.2.2.
