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microguitars buzz

🔗David Beardsley <xouoxno@xxxx.xxxx>

10/12/1999 11:46:12 AM

John Starrett wrote:

> Glen Peterson:
> >There's a fellow named Buzz who I think has a patent on this technique.
> >(really!) He put out a video demonstrating the wonders of his new
> >fretting system. He never said how it worked, but it wasn't that hard to
> >figure out that he'd just slid the nut forward a millimeter or two.
> Yes, we had a discussion of the Buzz Feiten system here awhile back, and
> while it seems to be effective (my friend Harry Fleishman heard a side by
> side of several different types guitars with and without the Feiten system
> and said the difference was obvious) I have never quite understood why the
> nut should be higher from the first fret than the first fret is from the
> second.

He's shortening the scale length so all the frets are affected.

> With a zero fret, what would the solution to the problem of
> differing pitch bends for different string to fret distances be? Wouldn't
> we need to consider where a player plays on average and just tune the
> bridge appropriately?

What's a zero fret?

* D a v i d B e a r d s l e y
* J u x t a p o s i t i o n N e t R a d i o