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reply to Pat Pagano

🔗Paul H. Erlich <PErlich@xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx>

10/8/1999 3:51:57 PM

>Just one question and i guess anyone can answer this
>23 cents = ?hz.

Pat, it depends on the frequency of the notes in question! If you're
comparing a note of x Hz and a note 23 cents above, the difference between
them is




>Open question to the list__some folks with very good hearing (darren
burgess)can discern a deviation >of 3hz. What can you discern?

Hz is a poor measure of the just-noticable difference. For most people in
most contexts, it's on the order of a few cents, while the Hz difference
will vary widely in different registers.

>How does one overcome the compensation factor that sometimes people
experience when tuning? >When tuning what portion of the arc is most
satisfying when tuning.

No comprendo.