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🔗Bora Yasar <>

2/18/2004 11:43:33 AM

"Everybody should do some music, every creature and every material has the music inside, it's its energy; music is actually very easy, there's nothing to it, and everybody should search for his own."


Thank you very much for coming and being part of our conser.we were very happy to see you , hope to see you soon.Please send your opinion and suggestion about event.

All my best..

Bora Yasar

Konserimize gosterdiginiz ilginizden ve desteginizden dolayi cok tessekkurler .Cok guzel bir geceydi .Cesaret verici ovguleriniz icin cok tesekkur ederiz.Bir sonraki etkinlikte gorusmek dilegi ile saglicakla kalin .

Bora Yasar.

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