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Fwd: Re: [tuning] using Scala software(M Op de Coul)

🔗Stephen Szpak <>

1/5/2004 2:20:07 PM

--- In, "Manuel Op de Coul" <> wrote:

Hi Stephen,

>so I type in 100,200,400,700,1200
>and nothing happens.

Something tells me you haven't seen the help command
I gave you :-)
The intervals in the list are separated by spaces. But they can be
separated by colons as well.

How to specify a pitch/interval see "help pitches".

--- End forwarded message ---

I type show locations ENTER
I get INTERVAL/CHORD: 100:200:400:700:1200 ENTER
nothing happens (except it goes to a new line, as if it wants more)

Stephen Szpak

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🔗Manuel Op de Coul <>

1/6/2004 10:07:52 AM

Stephen wrote:
> I just did it again separating them by colons. And then hitting ENTER.

>It just gives me a new prompt, as if it wants more.

I've never tried the version you use. If there's something wrong
with it, then I don't know.
It looks like you're not specifying cents the right way,
so please follow my advice to read the help.
