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"Nature in Music" article online


1/5/2004 8:53:36 AM

I would like to humbly bring those of you who are intrigued with this
topic - this verrry wide topic - to check out: <A
HREF="">Music- NewMusicBox- the web mag from the American Musi…</A>

Esp'ly what David Rosenberg wrote...

Of particular interest to me was this (HEY! attn: Herman Miller, Monzo,
Paul-E, etc.):
Dario Martinelli, author of How Musical Is a Whale?, has a website discussing
scholarly efforts to consider animal sounds as music.
A collaborative website linking musicians and scientists around questions on
the nature of music and the music of nature
EarthEar, website and record label devoted to stocking the best music/nature
discs around
Interspecies Communication, website of Jim Nollman, who wants to save the
whales by playing music with them.

Hanuman Zhang, _Gomi no sensei_ [Master of junk]

"The most beautiful order is a heap of sweepings piled up at random." -
Heraclitus, Greece, 5th Century BCE

Ars imitatur Naturam in sua operatione.
["Art is the imitation of Nature in her manner of operation."]

"...There is life feeding on this dead heap. ... life will complete its
cycle, teeming within this lump of death." - Bela Bartok

"jinsei to iu mono wa, kichou na geijyutsu to ieru deshou"
["one can probably say that 'life' is a precious artform"]

"There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats." -
Albert Schweitzer
Please: Cats are not disposable. Adopt and love your cat for life...

"Life'n'art, art'n'life. There is _no_ separation. Each is a manifestation of
every aspect of the other. This is a difficult game... A difficult game to
play. It seems, to me, like the only game that needs playing at the moment." -
Warren Burt

🔗wallyesterpaulrus <>

1/5/2004 3:24:39 PM

--- In, czhang23@a... wrote:
> I would like to humbly bring those of you who are intrigued
with this
> topic - this verrry wide topic - to check out: <A
> HREF="">Music- NewMusicBox-
the web mag from the American Musi…</A>
> Esp'ly what David Rosenberg wrote...

That's David Rothenberg.

> Of particular interest to me was this (HEY! attn: Herman
Miller, Monzo,
> Paul-E, etc.):

Thanks, I will take a closer look when I get a chance . . .