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Elaine Walker's Zia kiks serious booty !

🔗Drew Skyfyre <>

9/24/1999 6:48:41 AM

Surfing along my merry way I noticed "Zia" pop up in the results of a search
on Yahoo for microtonal synths. I remembered someone mentioning Zia on the
list (Gary ?), so went over, found some mp3s. Yeah ! This is the kind of
music that could push microtonality into the mainstream of popular music.

(oh, I shifted my new site, the one with my (non-microtonal) music to Xoom,
so streaming now works & I have unlimited webspace. Yes!. The silly URL in
my signature will take u there.)

Oh & for the guitar players here, technology is great, Digitech's new RP-14D
multi-fx floorboard has, get this, an SPDIF digital output ! and the list
price is @ US$550 !

- Drew

Drew Skyfyre songwriter, webmaster, happy human

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email :

Be young, be foolish, be happy !

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