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Chowning's Stria

🔗John Chalmers <jhchalmers@xxxxxxx.xxxx.xxxx>

9/15/1999 9:39:27 AM

Heinz: The pitches used by John Chowning in Stria are very close to the
9th root of phi (the GS, 1.618033989+).

As far as I know, the first person to suggest phi as a pseudo-octave and
harmonics all at powers and roots of phi was Walter O'Connell, who
published it in Die Reihe (issue unknown). However, another person
independently came upon the same idea about the same time and presented
some of his work at a conference in the 60's. I'll try to track down his
name. According to Brian McLaren, who queried Chowning about Stria,
Chowning was unaware of the prior work when he composed Stria.


🔗Bill Schottstaedt <bil@xxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxx>

9/16/1999 6:29:18 AM

> According to Brian McLaren, who queried Chowning about Stria,
> Chowning was unaware of the prior work when he composed Stria.

My vague recollection is that John was looking at FM wrap-arounds
and discovered that this tuning had neat properties.