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Audible continuum

🔗Haresh BAKSHI <>

11/16/2003 3:18:54 PM

Hi ALL, First of all, and most of all, perhaps we need to define "Audible continuum" -- something like:

"The subjective sensation of a theoretically infinite number of pitches".

To this, by ay of note/addendum/remarks, we may add:

The range of the audible continuum usually lies between 20 Hz and 20K Hz. All pitches are 'audible',but not all pitches are differentiable unless the pitch difference between two consecutive frequencies is greater than JND. To bring in precision, we need to specify loudness, medium of sound transmission (density), the relative speed between the source and the target, absence of vacuum between the source and the target, etc. etc. -- [does this amount to hair-splitting? -- we Indians are SO MUCH used to it!]
