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need some EDO interval names

🔗monz <>

10/11/2003 1:01:57 AM

i've temporarily come up with these names for some small

~cents 2^

1.960784314 1/612; herschel
1.171875 1/1024; yamaha-unit
0.694444444 1/1728; beaver
0.279329609 1/4296; jones

the names honor, respectively, J. W. F. Herschel
(cited by Bosanquet), Yamaha's TX and SY series of
instruments, Paul Beaver, and Marc Jones.

does anyone know if those authors used other names
when they wrote about these intervals?

and what about the following? :

~cents 2^

10.16949153 1/118;
8.333333333 1/144;
7.894736842 1/152;
5.529953917 1/217;
2.429149798 1/494;

i need these urgently. thanks.


🔗Manuel Op de Coul <>

10/22/2003 2:05:26 AM

Joe wrote:
>does anyone know if those authors used other names
>when they wrote about these intervals?

Yes, Paul Beaver called it Harmos.
