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Just Intonation and C sound

🔗patrick pagano <ppagano@xxxxxxxxx.xxxx>

9/5/1999 4:01:27 PM

Hi List
Maybe Mr. Rodgers or Dante could help me on this......
i have been experimenting with the Cps 2 opcode for about a month or so.

Last night i decided to check the pitches with a sabine tuner and a freq

generator and too my dismay found that the 8.00 or 1/1 which i had hoped

would be 256hz (with some help from Bill alves) was in fact a eq temp C
. Can any one out there give me an idea what is wrong??
here is the instrument

sr = 44100
kr = 4410
ksmps = 10
nchnls = 2
garvbsig init 0
gaol init 0
gaor init 0

instr 1
kpan line 0,p3*.7,1
ipanl = sqrt(p5) ; Pan left
ipanr = sqrt(1-p5) ; Pan right
ifreq cps2pch p4,-1 ; refer to multiplier table #1
ifreq = 512*ifreq/261.6;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;THIS SHOULD MAKE
8.00 256hz??
k1 linen 700,.1,p3,.1
aamp linseg 0, .002, 1, p3-.004, 1, .002, 0 ; Declick envelope
ifreq cps2pch p4,-1 ; refer to multiplier table #1
krtl =sqrt(2)/2*cos(kpan)-sin(kpan)
krtr =sqrt(2)/2*cos(kpan)+sin(kpan)
asound oscili k1,ifreq,2
aout = asound*aamp
outs aout*ipanl, aout*ipanr ; Output stereo
;;;;here is a segment of the score

;table # start size gen fn 1/1 17/16
9/8 7/6
f 1 0 16 -2 1.000000 1.062500 1.125000
; 9/7 1323/1024 4/3 7/5
3/2 49/32 14/9 12/7 7/4
1.2857142857 1.2919921 1.333333 1.4 1.500000 1.53125
1.5555555 1.7142857 1.75
; 27/14 63/32
1.9285714 1.96875
f 2 0 8192 10 1

t 0 120
i3 0 300 8.00 .5
i3 100 200 8.08 .5
i3 200 100 8.12 .5
i1 8 0.25 9.08 .5
i1 8.25 0.25 9.08 0
i1 8.5 0.25 9.12 0.5
i1 8.75 0.25 9.08 0.5
i1 9 0.25 9.08 0.5
i1 9.25 0.25 9.08 0

any help would be greatly appreciated