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Algorithm references

🔗John Chalmers <jhchalmers@xxxxxxx.xxxx.xxxx>

9/1/1999 4:21:55 PM

Dan et al.: Here is a list of references to the original papers in which
the various versions of the Euclidean and CF algorithms are described.
Mandelbaum's dissertation, "Multiple Divisions of the Octave and the
Tonal Resources of 19 Tone Temperament has a good discussion of Brun's
algorithm. I heartily recommend this dissertation, available from Xerox
University Microfilms and interlibrary loan. It was written at Indiana
University in 1961.


Barbour, James Murray. "Music and Ternary Continued Fractions", American
Mathematical Monthly vol. 55, 1948, p. 545.

Brun, Viggo. "En generalisation av kjedebr�ken", Norske Videnskabers
Selskapets Skrifter vol. 1-2, 1919-20, Oslo. (avec des r�sum�s en

Brun, Viggo. "Music and Ternary Continued Fractions", Det Kongelige
Norske Videnskabers Selskab, Forhandlinger Bd. 23, 1950, p. 38.

Brun, Viggo. "Algorithmes Euclidiens pour trois et quatre nombres",
Sartryck ur Trettonde Skandinavska Matematikerkongressen XIII, aug.
1957, p. 45.

Brun, Viggo. "Mehrdimensionale Algorithmen, welche die Eulersche
Kettenbruchentwicklung der Zahle verallgemeinern", Festschrift Leonard
Euler zum 250. Geburtstag, Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 1959.

Brun, Viggo. "Musikk og Euklidske algoritmer", Nordisk matematisk
tidskrift vol. 9, Oslo, 1961, pp. 29-36.

Brun, Viggo. "Euclidean algorithms and music theory", L'enseignement
math�matique revue internationale tome X, fasc. 1-2, 1964, pp. 125-137.

Fokker, A.D. "Multiple antanairesis", Proceedings of the Koninklijke
Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Series A, vol. 66, Amsterdam,
1963, pp. 1-6.

Olds. C. D. Continued Fractions. New Mathematical Library Monograph 9,
Random House, 1961? (Great introductory book!)

Pipping, Nils. Approximation Zweien Reelen Zahlen Durch Rationale Zahlen
Mit Gemeinsamer Nenner. Acta Academiae Aboensis (Math et Phys) 21(1)
1957, pp. 3-17

Selmer, Ernst S. Om Flerdimensjonal Kjedebro/K. Nordisk matematisk
tidskrift 9, Oslo, 1961, pp. 37-44.