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Diamond Marimba Java Applet - explore the Tonality Diamond

🔗Prent Rodgers <prodgers@xxx.xxxx>

8/25/1999 9:13:34 PM

Fellow Tuners,

As John Starrett mentioned yesterday, you can see a visual and audible
representation of the Partch Tonality Diamond in the form of a Java
applet. To see the program, visit my we page at . The applet is written in Java, and
requires a run time environment that supports Java 1.2.2 (aka Java 2).
The page has instructions for how to download the SUN plug-in. It works
most of the time....

The applet is written to support geometries other than diamonds, and
with a different set of HTML code parameters could support any set of
sounds, ratios, note names, and X & Y coordinates. Lattices, for
example, could be represented graphically and audibly by changing a few
lines of HTML parameters. If anyone is interested, let me know.

Prent Rodgers
Mercer Island, WA
A musician seduced into capitalism.