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MOS calculator spreadsheet

🔗Kris Peck <kpeck@xxxxxxxx.xxxx>

8/25/1999 6:23:04 PM

I created a nice handy dandy spreadsheet in MS Excel 7.0 for calculating
all of the Moments of Symmetry when the Generator and Interval of
Equivalence are entered. If anyone wants to post it up on your web page
(or just evaluate it in general) let me know at and
I'll send it to you.


🔗Kris Peck <kpeck@xxxxxxxx.xxxx>

8/26/1999 5:29:44 AM

...and I should clarify that it does not actually compute the scales -- it
just lists the numbers of tones which will produce a MOS scale with the
specified generator. (As found on the scale tree.)

Subject: MOS calculator spreadsheet

I created a nice handy dandy spreadsheet in MS Excel 7.0 for calculating
all of the Moments of Symmetry when the Generator and Interval of
Equivalence are entered. If anyone wants to post it up on your web page
(or just evaluate it in general) let me know at and
I'll send it to you.
