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🔗nunativs <nunativs@xxx.xxxx>

8/25/1999 8:52:15 AM

I think MP3 is a great format for exchange at least here in the US where
online time is cheap.

🔗Neil Haverstick <>

3/13/2005 10:17:50 PM

Guitar9 has some MP3 samples of my latest CD "Stick Man" haven't listened yet, but they usually do a great job...and for all you guitarists out there, they are a good site to get your stuff on...they are mostly interested in instrumental music, all styles...check them

🔗Neil Haverstick <>

3/15/2005 4:00:20 PM

John Starrett has a nice MP3 page at 34 tone piece "Snake Dance," from "Stick Man" is up, as well as tons of other folks. I've long been a fan of Arabic music, but never liked the effect of trying to do Middle Eastern influenced stuff in 12; but 34 is a hoot, as you get a much more subtle effect because of the wide range of interval choices. It's also a pain in the butt to play, cause each time you change chords you have to watch where the comma goes. "Snake Dance" is my tribute to the many marvelous musicians I've listened to from the ME, and features lots of odd meters, as well as chord changes which don't go quite where one might think because of the smaller intervals of to all...Hstick