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🔗Carl Lumma <clumma@xxx.xxxx>

8/24/1999 6:28:56 AM

>>They may be implied, but this out of tuneness is exactly what got many of
>>us here. If you can accept pitches that extend 17 cents in both directions,
>>you are up to a 34 cent band width. this is so all incluvise as to almost be
>Yet many professional singers in the West easily extend 30 cents in either
>direction, giving a 60 cent band width.

There are some who would consider the choir the benchmark, and both fixed
JI and 22 an approximation.

Also, the choir's bandwidth is flexible, and does not necessarily give the
same effect as a fixed deviation from just.


🔗Paul H. Erlich <PErlich@xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx>

8/25/1999 12:46:26 PM

I wrote,

>>Yet many professional singers in the West easily extend 30 cents in either
>>direction, giving a 60 cent band width.

Carl Lumma wrote,

>There are some who would consider the choir the benchmark, and both fixed
>JI and 22 an approximation.

I don't think 22 is an approximation to any music performed by any existing
choir, but hopefully that will change.

>Also, the choir's bandwidth is flexible, and does not necessarily give the
>same effect as a fixed deviation from just.

My statement referred to random, uncontrolled deviations from 12-tET, in the
context of solo singers accompanied instrumentally. Professional vocal
harmonies do tend toward JI intervals.