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22TET Web Page up!


8/23/1999 7:25:24 AM

The beginning of something wonderful (or maybe
not ;-) ).

For now it's called "Basil's 22TET Page". Now,
I may change it to something more general, maybe
"The Storehouse of Incredible 22TET Information"
or something. Send me your suggestions. Send me
ANYTHING having to do with 22 tone equal
temperament (22TET) tuning.

Is that URL long enough for y'all? ;-)


Darin "Basil" Arrick

🔗Paul H. Erlich <PErlich@xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx>

8/24/1999 1:00:41 PM

>For now it's called "Basil's 22TET Page". Now,
>I may change it to something more general, maybe
>"The Storehouse of Incredible 22TET Information"
>or something. Send me your suggestions. Send me
>ANYTHING having to do with 22 tone equal
>temperament (22TET) tuning.

You might want to search the onelist archives (and the Mills archives if
possible -- you have to download those yourself) for posts on 22-tET. God
knows I've made a few!