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BBC Radio 4 Tues 13:30Hrs. Tuesdays 3rd June part one; 10th June part two "Out Of Tune".

🔗Charles Lucy <>

5/31/2003 11:21:59 AM

Robert Sandall asks why different scales have developed in different countries.
Radio 4 broadcasts on 92.3-94.6 MHz; 198kHz in UK.

On net and in archive at :

Charles Lucy - (LucyScaleDevelopments)
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🔗Graham Breed <>

6/3/2003 11:33:34 AM

Charles Lucy wrote:
> Robert Sandall asks why different scales have developed in different > countries.
> Radio 4 broadcasts on 92.3-94.6 MHz; 198kHz in UK.

I heard this! It was a good introduction for a half hour slot on a dumb station. They talked to Natacha Atlas and Brian Eno and some other people. Generally positive, althought they were a bit disrespectful about Harry Partch at the end.

It's pianos next week.
