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addenum revisum: CentoSruti, V. 1.3


5/26/2003 11:33:24 AM

Most of the revisions are near and beyond the octave...

23-tone hyperchromatic non-octave dronal scale-tuning

Ratio Cents Name/
(if any) /Description

1/1 0 Sa:
tonic [F#1]
primary drone

- 53.8 Ri 1:
Tibetan non-JI/non-ET
secondary drone

17/16 104.9 Ri 2:
overtone 1/2-step,
17th harmonic

- 142.43...3... Ri 3:
Chaos Point/"wa...wa..." noise-note
(427.3 Major 3rd * 3 = 142.4 cents)

143/128 191.9 Ri 4:
Major 2nd
Arabic/Persian-like interval
(close to 48/43 (190.4),
alternative to 9/8)

19/16 297.5 Ga 1:
overtone minor 3rd,
"funkier, bluesier
sound than 7/6" {Monzo}

17/14 336 Ga 2:
wide, septimal
supraminor 3rd

- 378 Ga 3:
Major 3rd
Tibetan nonJI/nonET
to 5/4 (386.3))

- 423.6 Ga 4:
diminished 4th, 17tET,
Entropy/Complexity Point {Erlich}

- 503.4 Ma 1:
perfect 4th,
meantone of Pietro Aaron, 1523
(alternative to 4/3 (498))

11/8 551.3 Ma 2:
undecimal tritone,
11th harmonic

17/12 603.0 Ma 3:
"ultra-blue" tritone

13/9 636.6 Ma 4:
"harsh, beautiful"
13-prime tritone

2 to the 7/12ths 700.0 Pa:
perfect 5th, ET,
audible beating/

49/32 738 Dha 1:
Augmented 5th,
"_blu_ of _blu_"
49th harmonic

13/8 840.5 Dha 2:
overtone 6th,
13th harmonic

- 892.5 Dha 3:
Major 6th,
19:16 (297.5) x 3
(alternative to 5/3 (884.4))

12/7 933 Dha 4:
wide 'NeoGothic'
Major 6th

7/4 969 Ni 1:
minor 7th,
7th partial,

11/6 1049.4 Ni 2:
undecimal "median"
neutral 7th

- 1090.9 Ni 3:
Major 7th,

27/14 1137 Ni 4/"Infra-Sa":
septimal Major 7th,
diminished octave

- 1213 "Nastikhisma":
Infra-Sa + a 17th Century
French _temperament
ordinaire_ sub-minor 2nd
interval of 76 cents
(1137 + 76 = 1213 cents)

- 1523 "Mega-Ga":
minor 10th
non-octave interval
adapted from Australian
Aborigine didjiridoo dronality,
tertiary drone
(1226.4 + 296.6 = 1523 cents...
1226.4 is midpoint between Sa
and Ri 1 an octave above)

Hanuman Zhang, the "Yves Klein Bleu Aardvark"

= ! gw3rraa kaakaa! ! riis3rvaa, saaIlvaa, riikuu, sk0paa-g0mii aen
riizijkl0! =
(Fight Waste! Save, Salvage, Recover, Scavenge and Recycle!)

NADA BRAHMA - Sanskrit, "sound [is the] Godhead"
LILA - Sanskrit, "divine play/sport/whimsy" - "the universe is what happens
when God wants to play" - "joyous exercise of spontaneity involved in the art
of creation"

What strange risk of hearing can bring sound to music - a hearing whose
obligation awakens a sensibility so new that it is forever a unique, new-born,
anti-death surprise, created now and now and now. .. a hearing whose moment in
time is always daybreak. - Lucia Dlugoszewski