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extracting a scale from a MIDI-file

🔗monz <>

5/24/2003 12:25:46 PM

hi Gene,

> From: "Gene Ward Smith" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Friday, May 23, 2003 10:25 PM
> Subject: [tuning] Re: .tun into .scl format
> Here's another question I've wondered about
> -- is it possible to extract a scale from the
> tuning used by a midi file?

i have a method for doing it. it's cumbersome,
but it works.

first i use a small DOS program called MF2T, which
turns a MIDI-file into a text file, preserving all
the MIDI-note and pitch-bend data.

then i copy and paste the text output of MF2T into
an Excel spreadsheet i wrote, and the spreadsheet
extracts all the different pitches from that and
calculates their cents-values.

then i simply sort those results by ascending
cents-values, delete all repeating occurrences of
any particular pitch, and voila, there's the scale.
