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AW.: RE: MOS continued


8/16/1999 11:38:38 AM

In einer Nachricht vom 8/16/99 7:50:49 PM (MEZ) - Mitteleurop.

This is a particularly interesting point; Rothenberg would assume that any
interval, not just the octave, can function as an interval of equivalence if
the scale is symmetrical at that interval. This is quite the opposite of
supposing an acoustical foundation for octave equivalence. However, there is
clearly an "ambiguity of tonal function" between the block-equivalent notes
in any symmetrical scale.
Rothenberg's assumption is quite a musical one, if "equivalence" is here
divorced from the issue of exact identity and associated with melodic
transformations, for example, repetition of a figure within a given
tetrachord in another tetrachord conjunct or disjunct with the first. This is
a basic procedure in much of the world's music.