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Microsynthesis site alternative?

🔗Mark Gould <>

2/16/2003 11:10:30 PM

Hi all,

whatever happened to the microsynthesis site? Are the pages mirrored
anywhere else. I know its one for make micro music (but to sign up for one
question is silly), but, of the currently available synths which would
people around here say is the best in regard to microtones - individually
programmable keys / tunable etc.



2/16/2003 11:33:48 PM


--- In, Mark Gould <mark.gould@a...> wrote:
> whatever happened to the microsynthesis site?

Take a look at the msg just before yours - is this a little weird or what?

Jon (who will try to not feel slighted if you don't want to join MMM <grin>)