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🔗Christopher Bailey <>

2/13/2003 9:29:23 AM

This looks like it may have microtonal potential:

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Subject: GUIDOLib Open Source Project Announcement (fwd)
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From: Dominique Fober <>

GUIDOLib Open Source Project Announcement

The GUIDOLib project aims at developing a generic portable library for
musical score graphical rendering. This library takes account of the
conventional music notation system and should be flexible enough to
include any graphical sign and musical information necessary for the
contemporary music notation or for any other purpose requiring such
extension. The project is to provide a simple API to musical applications
that have to deal with graphical score processing. It is based on the
GUIDO Music Notation format, but supports alternate formats under the form
of converters or plug-ins in order to widen the library use.

The project originates from a work achieved at the Darmstadt University of
Technology (Germany) and the University of British Columbia (Canada) by
Holger Hoos, Keith Hamel , J|rgen Kilian and Kai Renz. It is now an open
source project, which can be reached on the Source Forge repository at

If you are interested in any issue regarding the music representation, you
are invited to join the project. You may contribute to the standard tasks
identified by the project management, as well as the study of a general
suitable API, which is to be discussed on the 'guidolib-dev' mailing list.

The open source project is actually supported by the Darmstadt University
of Technology (Germany), the University of British Columbia (Canada) and
Grame - National Centre for Music Creation (France).

Some useful links:
Project home page:
Mailing list access:

Dominique Fober <>
GRAME - Centre National de Creation Musicale -
9 rue du Garet 69001 Lyon France
tel:+33 (0)4 720 737 06 fax:+33 (0)4 720 737 01