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Lou Harrison

🔗Patrick Ozzard-Low <>

2/4/2003 5:53:39 AM

Dear Tuning,

very sad to hear about Lou Harrison.

In Oct 98 I made a trip with Bob Gilmore and his son Ben to visit Lou
and Bill at Aptos, and it was a very special event. Bob and Ben had to
take the bus back to SF, but afterward Lou, Bill and I took dinner in a
whole-food place at the bottom of the hill. Their charm, warmth,
enthusiasm and evident love for each other in their mutual 80's was
touching indeed.

Unfortunately I had to leave at 4.00am the next morning to drive to see
the 1/4-tone flute maker Jim Schmidt near Fresno, and then to meet with
Kraig, Erv, Stephen Taylor and all the dudes in LA that night. It was
such a trip...

Lou's kindness and openness discussing new instruments after dinner, and
well into the night, was something to remember.

Death is a small consideration against such a magnificent life.


Patrick Ozzard-Low,