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Re:refretting guitars


8/6/1999 9:10:01 AM

>From: Rick Sanford
>Subject: Re: More on refretting guitars...
>As a good source, let me recommend the
>Ivor Darreg CD, handled by Gary Morrison
>a few years back. Hopefully some are available.

Thanks. I'll look for it.

>Personally, reading your note, I think you'd
>enjoy 20-tone and 16-tone (two which I, an
>old-hat Crimson freak,like using in my own
>tunes). They work well in cyclical root
>movements popular in the prog format you

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll look into them.

>I will mail you, if you like, a cassette of some
>snippets of both those tunings.

Please send them to:

Basil Arrick
565 S.E. Front St. #10
DeKalb, TX 75559

Thanks! Let me know if I should send you a
blank tape or two for your troubles. Please
give me enough documentation to know what
tuning is what, as I can't tell them apart

>regretfully I can't give you advice on placing
>frets -I'm a percussionist.

No prob. I can figure out the positions once I've
got the tuning in mind.

Thanks to everyone for their help.

Darin "Basil" Arrick
