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Re: Javanese tunings

🔗Carl Lumma <clumma@xxx.xxxx>

8/5/1999 6:01:53 AM

>Further, there are auxillary pitches ("miring" or "minir") used in slendro
>which are variously represented as either like western chromatic
>alterations or borrowings from a parallel pelog scale.

So far so good.

>At this point in time, it is safe to disregard Mantle Hood's writings
>altogether. For a general introduction to pitch vocabularies, nothing is
>better than Martopangrawit's articles in volume 1 of _Karawitan_. The best
>contemporary account of Javanese tuning practice, and a critique of American
>just intonation gamelan, is by Marc Perlman.


>Rothenberg was similarly confused in his use of data from his main informant
>Bernhard Ijzendraat Suryabrata.

Would you be willing to elucidate?
