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[Othermindsforum] Terry Riley on Dutch Radio/Internet/Dec 8 Sunday

🔗Jay Williams <>

12/3/2002 7:15:02 AM

>I interviewed Terry Riley on recording last week here in the East Bay for
>Radio 4 in Holland.
>The interview will be played along with some recent performances of Terry's
>music that occurred without the composer present in Holland in October.
>Terry was unable to make the gig for the first time in his career due to
>illness (a case of bronchitis now past-he's concertizing in Mexico this
>week.) So the producers of the best Dutch new music program phoned me in
>California and asked me to help them fill in some gaps in their broadcast
>and luckily Terry was available to do the interview.
>For your information, the program is called "Supplement."
>The broadcast takes place at 10pm-1am Holland time and can be heard on the
>internet over your computer. For information, see
> and click on December 8: Terry Riley.
>Then scroll down past the photo of Terry to the one of him being
>interviewed by me and click on Charles Amirkhanian to see updated info on
>Other Minds.
>If you want to listen in to the broadcast on your computer, log on during
>the broadcast time (10pm-1am Holland which equals 1pm-4pm Pacific Time,
>December 8, Sunday. If you're in New York, listen between 4pm and 7pm
>Eastern Standard Time.) This program is on most every week at the same
>time and truly is interesting. Lots of it is in English.
>Charles Amirkhanian


12/6/2002 9:38:12 AM

Charles Amirkhanian wrote:
>The broadcast takes place at 10pm-1am Holland time and can be heard on
>internet over your computer. For information, see
> and click on December 8: Terry

There's another two hour programme also about Terry Riley just
before that, so one can continuously listen from 20.00 to 1.00 h.
Radio 4 can indeed be received on the Internet with Windows Media
