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RE: Refretting guitars to microtonal tunings, and MIDI d rivers

🔗Lewis Jimmy NSSC <LewisJ1@xxxxxx.xxxx.xxxx>

8/4/1999 12:11:48 PM

<< Third, do I need a special MIDI driver to get pitch bend to work?
I'm not hearing the bends like I should.>>

Based on what I've been reading on the Digital Guitar list (onelist) you get
the best performance with a sythesizer especially designed for guitar
controllers. It seems that
manufacturers of guitar controllers also have a "matching synthesizer", to
ensure that all control change messages are properly decoded.


🔗Lewis Jimmy NSSC <LewisJ1@xxxxxx.xxxx.xxxx>

8/13/1999 9:08:42 AM

Found this site which might be of interest.