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22-equal -- reply to alison from harmonic_entropy

🔗wallyesterpaulrus <>

11/22/2002 9:18:30 PM

alison, in case you're not reading there anymore:

> I've also to get used to some notational problems, one being the
> question of the C major triad and the notation I'm using for guitar.
> Taking C as the root I should notate that as c^ if I want a 5/4
with 'e'
> on the fourth string fourth fret.


> Then my 3/2 wth c^ is notated 'a'
> flat.

it's also notated g^. remember, in a pythagorean-based notation such
as this, traditional interval names have meaning. ^ or v is the
diatonic semitone in 22-equal. a flat or sharp is the chromatic
semitone, as always. the diatonic semitone plus the chromatic
semitone always equals the whole tone. here, this means 1 + 3 = 4.
keep this in mind as you ponder the notation.