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Grants, funding and JI...

🔗ArchD'Ikon Zibethicus <>

11/17/2002 9:32:38 PM

Umm, hi, everybody. As far as I can comprehend this list, I enjoy it. I'm a long-time Partch fan, but could never figure out how Genesis of a Music worked well enough to make my own Harmonic Canon. Maybe someday....

Alison said:

>Most of the music successes in the past seem to have been indie style >pop >bands, possibly because of their commercial potential (the boss->man of the >Arts Council is an accountant)

...well, if it's funding you're after, and the council rejects genuinely new music, why not give them a proposal for writing/performing some ***JI*** `indie style pop' music? Grit your teeth, electrify the instruments, and find some people who are photogenic and stupid, but not stupid enough to be unable to play three `chords' in JI?

If you then claim that you are reviving the ancient Scottish tunings in modern form, they oughta go for it...and then you can curse the commercialism of your new project, and use any ��� (or Euros) generated to fund your _real_ music...

Just a thought...and probably a bad one...


The proliferation of children who can reach the heights of computer creation brings to light a basic feature of the computer itself - it is infantile...[t]he microcomputer is above all a game and is infantile. But it is also very dangerous. We need to know whether it does not also 'infantalize'.

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The disciple Hui-K'e asked Bodhidharma, "Please help me to quiet my mind." Bodhidharma said, "Bring me your mind so that I can quiet it." After a moment Hui-K'e said, "But I can't find my mind." "There," said Bodhidharma, "I have now quieted your mind."

-Charles Luk


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🔗Alison Monteith <>

11/18/2002 10:18:59 AM

ArchD'Ikon Zibethicus wrote:

> Umm, hi, everybody. As far as I can comprehend this list, I enjoy it. I'm
> a long-time Partch fan, but could never figure out how Genesis of a Music
> worked well enough to make my own Harmonic Canon. Maybe someday....
> Alison said:
> >Most of the music successes in the past seem to have been indie style >pop
> >bands, possibly because of their commercial potential (the boss->man of the
> >Arts Council is an accountant)
> ...well, if it's funding you're after, and the council rejects genuinely new
> music, why not give them a proposal for writing/performing some ***JI***
> `indie style pop' music? Grit your teeth, electrify the instruments, and
> find some people who are photogenic and stupid, but not stupid enough to be
> unable to play three `chords' in JI?
> If you then claim that you are reviving the ancient Scottish tunings in
> modern form, they oughta go for it...and then you can curse the
> commercialism of your new project, and use any ��� (or Euros) generated to
> fund your _real_ music...
> Just a thought...and probably a bad one...
> ->Zx<-

Not a bad thought at all. Trouble is I gave up writing meaningless lyrics and squibbling around on
stage and began (call me a musical snob) aspiring to higher things. Still, if circumstances were
really bad..... : - )

Kind Regards