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"just" some string quartet ideas

🔗Joseph Pehrson <>

11/15/2002 6:31:38 PM

This actually verges on a MakeMicroMusic topic, but since nobody goes
much over there I'll post it here...

Forgetting about that ridiculous string quartet which thinks somehow
that Shostakovich is "modern music," I'm thinking of a work with is
*quite* microtonal.

Maybe sections of 72-tET which I can use some of my "traditional" 12-
equal gestures but offset them a bit with the "quasi just" aspects of
72 using Dave Keenan's pitch wheel. This would give me quite a bit
of flexibility in approach and the idea would be to minimize beating
with the 72 pitches, so, essentially parts of those sections would be

Then I will have, conceivably, sections called "Lattices..." These
sections will be in *Blackjack* and I will use the Blackjack lattice
to construct my harmonies. These sections will be notated, of
course, in 72-tET and again the instructions would be to minimize
beating on the vertical harmonies, so I'll be going for just in those
sections as well.

The Blackjack sections, of course, are more difficult to play, since
there are fewer 12-equal notes in them on the overall, but they
should be quite pure in sound and, hopefully, interested performers
will be willing to put in the extra effort in those sections to
achieve the "serenity" of justice.

Then the other 72 sections won't be *quite* as rigorous in that
respect, so they won't have to slave quite as much over those... but
still with some 72-just intervals.

*Just* some ideas....

J. Pehrson