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PITCH CD #11 Music of Harry Partch


11/12/2002 9:06:02 AM


1 On Ascending Sin-Ping Tower
Johnny Reinhard, intoned voice
Anastasia Solberg, viola

2 Finnegan's Wake
Meredith Borden, soprano
Andrew Bolotowsky and Susan Friedlander, flute
Skip LaPlante and Carole Weber, kithara

3 A Dream
Johnny Reinhard, intoned voice
Anastasia Solberg, viola

4 Ulysses Departs From the Edge of the World
Louis Babin, trumpet
Jay Elfenbein, double bass
Michael Pugliese, Don Yallech and Skip LaPlante, boobams
Johnny Reinhard, conductor

5 Potion Scene
Meredith Borden, soprano
Anastasia Solberg, viola

6 December 1942
Johnny Reinhard, intoned voice
John Schneider, just intonation guitar

7 The Long Departed Lover
Johnny Reinhard, intoned voice
Anastasia Solberg, viola

8 Yankee Doodle Fantasy
Meredith Borden, soprano
Andrew Bolotowsky, tin whistle
Johnny Reinhard, oboe
Joshua Pierce, Proteus chromelodeon

9 Midnight Farewell
Johnny Reinhard, intoned voice
Anastasia Solberg, viola

For those interested I have contacted, and communicated with, European
American in Florida to receive publishing permissions. best, Johnny Reinhard