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a lost cause?

🔗David Beardsley <xouoxno@xxxx.xxxx>

7/29/1999 5:26:00 PM

It's normally bad email manners to quote private email
but this one just pisses me off.

For the person who wrote this:

>I think Pagano and Beardsley are a lost cause. They don't seem to
>understand the difference between a 32:49 interval and a 49/32 pitch.

Of course I know the difference. I not only know the difference
but I even use such intervals in my music on a regular basis.

Get a life.


* D a v i d B e a r d s l e y
* J u x t a p o s i t i o n E z i n e
* M E L A v i r t u a l d r e a m house monitor

🔗patrick pagano <ppagano@xxxxxxxxx.xxxx>

7/29/1999 8:41:44 PM

Well I guess the gloves are off again

David Beardsley wrote:

> From: David Beardsley <>
> It's normally bad email manners to quote private email
> but this one just pisses me off.
> For the person who wrote this:
> >I think Pagano and Beardsley are a lost cause. They don't seem to
> >understand the difference between a 32:49 interval and a 49/32 pitch.
> Of course I know the difference. I not only know the difference
> but I even use such intervals in my music on a regular basis.
> Get a life.
> Sheesh.
> --
> * D a v i d B e a r d s l e y
> *
> *
> * J u x t a p o s i t i o n E z i n e
> * M E L A v i r t u a l d r e a m house monitor
> *
> *
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🔗David C Keenan <>

7/30/1999 11:28:57 PM

Dear David and Patrick,

Firstly, I unreservedly and publically apologise for the offending remark.
It is clear to me now that you do understand the difference between
intervals and pitches even when both are indicated by the same ratio.

Secondly, I wish to note that that remark was never intended as anything
other than a private one to Paul Erlich alone. I am appalled that Paul
passed it on to you, even with my name removed. He has already apologised
to me for this. I know he meant well. Nevertheless, I must accept the
responsibility for having written it. I sure as hell don't want you blaming
someone else.

To put it in context, it was written to Paul in a knee-jerk response to the
"49/32" thread as it crescendoed in Digest 257 messages 2 (Erlich: "So
what?"), 5 (Pagano: "complete bullcrapo"), and 6 (Beardsley: "What's the

It seemed to me at the time that Paul was just making you guys angry or
upset to no purpose. This was my way of encouraging him to either stop it
or get clearer.

I hope my remark was at least partly responsible for helping Paul see where
the communication failure was occuring, resulting in the later more
satisfactory exchange in Digest 262 messages 5 (Erlich: "_interval_" vs.
"_pitch_") and 17 (Beardsley: "Got it").

Again, my humble apologies. I think I'll just go crawl under a rock and die
now, a serious lesson learnt. Feel free to have open slather at me. But
after that, please ... put the gloves back on.

-- Dave Keenan

🔗patrick pagano <ppagano@xxxxxxxxx.xxxx>

7/31/1999 11:00:28 AM

My main point with Paul was/is that all I was doing was making a comment on the
49/32 (pitch, yes). I frankly don't mind nor care about peoples personal
of me but what i was trying to get at and still want to assert is that on an
open forum
list with folks who do TET music,JI etc... (and I think we have all learned a
lesson or two about acceptance -at least i have-) You are going to get people
who are interested in the theory portion of tuning and then of course the prax
of it, so when someone makes an off thread comment chill out a bit and lighten
and brighten instead of frownland. Lets please put this to bed, i am so tired
of this i could begin weeping any moment.
Cheers to all
Resonate and extenuate
Pat Pagano

> . Feel free to have open slather at me. But
> after that, please ... put the gloves back on.
> -- Dave Keenan
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