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Alternate tunings Pluggo 3 (Max/MSP)

🔗Victor Cerullo <>

10/23/2002 4:52:34 AM

I just wanted to let you know that my previous "mtofhex" file has been
replaced by a new and more complete package of MIDI-to-frequency conversion
external objects for Max/MSP and Pluggo. You can download it for free at the
following address:

URL: /16tone
(click on the "files" section link)

Filename: MSP_mtof_externals_1.sit

File Description:

Collection of 11 additional MIDI-to-frequency external objects for Max/MSP:
will also work as alternate tunings for Pluggo 3 synth plug-ins. The tunings
include 12, 16, 19, 22, 24, 31, 41, 43, 48, 53 and 96-tone per octave equal
tempered scales, centered on middle C. The package also contains an updated
version of the "mtofhex" external (16-tone per octave equal tempered scale
centered on A4).

Share and enjoy,
Victor Cerullo