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Music of the Spheres

🔗Mark Gould <>

10/21/2002 6:57:39 AM

Comments here and there (with no implied accuracy than casual reading of
astronomy books)

1. Planets travel in elliptical orbits perturbed by each other
gravitationally. So no nice circles with nice 'harmonic' relationships.

Actually, 'harmonic' ratios of orbital periods are I think unstable as they
are 'resonant'. So planets in this configuration probably won't remain that
way for the long term.

2. Most planets are oblate spheriods

3. No solar system is stable, it is 'metastable'.

So any 'music of the spheres' would be a temporal sounding of planetary
motions over aeons of time.

So perhaps we should be talking about the 'quasi metastable orbital
proportions of oblate spheriods' - which probably isn't music.

Mark G