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Julia, welcome back -- Please let's resume!


10/16/2002 1:36:19 PM

Dear Julia,

How delighted I am to see you here again after the announced
intermission, and thank you for contributing as you have to my own
musicmaking in an enjoyable dialogue I hope will continue.

Themes like seeking methods to insure that smaller melodic intervals
actually get _used_ tellingly rather than incidentally; carefully
contrived versus "found" tunings and intervals; and relations between
melodic and vertical or harmonic technique are all worth pursuing.

Yesterday I had the experience on another forum of being queried as to why
I would use a temperament (one of my favorites) that deviates so radically
from 5-limit just intonation -- possibly an apt harbinger of our meeting
here again.

Thank you for bearing with the length of some of my previous responses,
and I'll try to keep at least this one to the point: Brava!, and let's
keep up the dialogue.

Most appreciatively, with warmest regards,

Margo Schulter