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Re: justonic

🔗Carl Lumma <clumma@xxx.xxxx>

7/15/1999 7:07:20 AM

>I too am interested to hear from anyone who has tried the Justonic software
>or even anyone who has looked at its adaptive JI method and thought about
>what its shortcomings might be.

The Pitch Palette does not have any adaptive JI function, to be accurate.
It does have a database of chords (which the user can edit) that it can
recognize and tune. I've never really used this function. Naturally,
problems with uniqueness in 12 will still be problems, and it treats all
inversions of a chord the same, which can be a big drawback (C6 vs. Am7,
and so on). If you play more than the bare chord, it confuses the thing.

The Pitch Palette also has a function that allows the user to choose roots
on the fly, via Midi footpedals, or the lowest octave on your keyboard,
etc. This is the feature I bought the software for. However, I ran into
severe limitations trying to use it. With a Proteus/2, the root changes
simply took too long to be used in any normally-paced piece of music.
Other synths may be faster. Midi cables are actually a problem here ---
Thomas Langley at Justonic recommended a USB Sound Canvas.

No external synth, however, is as fast as the Virtual Sound Canvas, which
the Pitch Palette is bundled with. I used the Pitch Palette's sequencer to
insert root changes in midi files of my music, and performed them with the
VSC. The tuning changes still took too long! The results will again be on
my web page... when it's back up in August.


🔗Paul H. Erlich <PErlich@xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx>

7/16/1999 12:47:57 PM

Carl Lumma wrote,

>problems with uniqueness in 12 will still be problems, and it treats all
>inversions of a chord the same, which can be a big drawback (C6 vs. Am7,
>and so on).

Would your default tuning for C6 be different that your default tuning for