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Musical Geometires - CPS sets etc

🔗Robert Walker <>

9/30/2002 2:34:40 PM

Hi there,

I've just done an update of Virtual Flower and Fractal Tune Smithy
to make musical geometrical shapes such as the hexany, dekany
etc. in VRML - and you can choose which factors you want to use
and then remake the model accordingly. E.g. make any of the hexanies
1 3 5 7, 1 3 7 11, 1 5 7 11, etc.

To use this first you need to install Virtual Flower and Fractal Tune Smithy,
and the most up to date versions of both, from

Then run Virtual Flower and go to Output | Musical Geometries.

No help for it yet, so I'll just say here what you do:

Choose what to make from the drop list of templates. Choose what factors you
want in the list (the first few get used, as many as are needed).

Then click Make Model, Make Clips, and finally, Show Model to see the result.

Here the Make Clips needs a bit more explanation as it is done in
FTS rather than VF.

What you do is to start FTS up and choose the voice you want to use from the Voices menu,
also set the pitch of the 1/1 from the Pitch... menu
(defaults to flute and concert pitch middle c, so you can just leave it at
those - if you have just recently been playing a fractal tune, use File | New to get back
to the defaults).

Back in Virtual Flower, click Make Clips... and FTS will then make them
all for you. It plays them all and records them to .wav format, which
obviously will take a while (needs full duplex soundcard too) so just
leave it running until it has made them all.

Then click Show model to see the result.

You can also make them as midi clips, which is faster - but not recommended
if you use the latest version of Cortona as it seems to have a midi bug in it
as it misses the first notes of short clips, and also it will slow down
the computer so that eventually it stops responding if you try to show a
model with many midi clips in it. You might then need to reboot.

Hope they fix it as it used to work fine with midi clips before,
just a few months ago. They haven't replied to my bug report about this yet, so
if anyone else feels like mentioning it to them too, couldn't hurt...
(or mention it in their sound node forum where I've posted about it).

If one keeps to .wav format then the Cortona behaves excellently and there
is no delay.
