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Tuning Dictionary update: vector notation

🔗monz <>

9/7/2002 8:38:56 AM

OK, i guess my summer vacation from tuning work is
now officially over...

for those of you who have continued to be mystified
by the concept of notating ratios as a vector, i've
updated my Tuning Dictionary entry with some examples
that should be very helpful:

and yes, the analysis of the "Werckmeister 5th"
at the bottom does hint that there's a webpage about
Werckmeister temperaments on the way ...

one question for Werckmeister experts: his most
famous tuning is continuously referred to as
"Werckmeister III", but Barbour lists it as
"Correct Temperament #1". ...????

i know we've gone over this before, and i remember
some posts specifically from Johnny Reinhard, but
would like to have the details again. thanks.

"all roads lead to n^0"