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Sarn's autobiography

🔗Sarn Richard Ursell <>

7/1/2002 10:15:28 PM

Dear Tuners,

I am now writeing down in a book of my own, which is a semi-fiction,
semi-non fiction, and contains the daily exploits of a man with Aspergus
syndrome (me), his personality is describes as intense, and eccentric, and
it is, this book about writeing a book called "THE CONCEPT JUNKYARD".

It is Sarn Richard Ursell's auto-biography, and in it I would dearly love,
(with you're permission of course), to include all my tuning list friends
and their websites, and facts about you all.

It is UNCANNY, -in that, I just keep finding so many personalitys which are
similar to mine, -why, I just checked out Joe Monzo's auto-biography, and I
am simply ITCHING to read this book of Joe's, because whilst his site
contains cool information, it is perhaps in the most difficult format do
understand, in that it is like a blooming maze!!!!!!!!

No offence to Joe, and I hope that I have made good friends on the tuning
list, and I have said harsh things when in a bad mood for things I have
done, and things people have done to me.

To all those, I have offended indirectly, I offer an apology, but I have
been really put out and a victim of circumstance, which made me make gross
generalizations, and foolish angry remarks.

Again, my apologies.

Now, altho THE CONCEPT JUNKYARD, is, certainly an "auto-biography", and is
about ideas of mine, that I have in an aperiodic date, shot-gun approach, I
can only suggest, and not demand, that as many people on the alternative
tuning list give me facts about themselves.

This, is, naturally, fully optional, but I feel that it will add color to my
book, if as many people on the alternative tuning list tell me as much about
themselves as possible, and give me facts about themselves.

You see, I have found that just emails and names don't tell me much about
you, and I would like to know things about you like:

You're favorite color, you're pets (cat's dogs, froggys), you're favorite
musical instrument, you're website, you're pet tuning, you're star sign,
you're favorite color, and so on, so that it can serve as an information

I hope that this post dosen't offend anyone, and please don't get me wrong,
but I feel that integers, and mere numbers do not tell me as much as I'd
like to include in my book about writeing a books as I'd like, and I am
interested to see how closely you're personality is to/matches mine!!!


I have found uncannily that Joe Monzo's and Carl Lumma's personalitys are
very like mine.

I am intergiued to know more about you people as HUMANS, and you're
interests, so as to form some color for my auto-biography, but then again,
it's fully optional.

You're friend,

Sarn "polyverse Philosopher" Ursell.