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Re: Chain-of-major-thirds tunings

🔗David C Keenan <>

6/28/1999 3:15:58 PM

Reduced to responding to my own posts. Pathetic. :-)

I wrote:
>Presumably because he could hear that there was a sustained
>note from the G# triad to X and another from X to the C# triad, but X was
>clearly a major triad. Impossible in 12-tET (and many others).

Oops. Not impossible in 12-tET at all.

Ab:C:Eb to F:A:C to Db:F:Ab

it's just that a chain-of-major-thirds tuning (e.g. in 19-tET) allows

Ab:C:Eb to F:A:C(= E#:G#:B#) to C#:E#:G# where the starting Ab is different
note to the ending G#.

>Remember that Moodie Blues album "Search for the lost chord". :-)

Maybe it was "In search of the lost chord".

-- Dave Keenan