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John Eaton and 72-tET

🔗jpehrson2 <>

6/20/2002 8:00:51 AM

As mentioned in Frank Oteri's interview, John Eaton has already used
*6th-tones* in addition to his frequent use of quartertones to
emulate the 72th partial harmonic.

He also uses Just on occasion, and asks players to "bend" his pitches
in that direction, so there are the 12th-tones.

So, it's not much of a stretch that he might be interested in 72-tET.

As I mentioned, I gave him a copy of Dave Keenan's terrific, "72-tET
Cartwheel Chart" and he seemed fascinated by it.

His own words were, "I think I'll use this every day..."

So, we'll see what happens...

Joseph Pehrson