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Manuel can you help?

🔗patrick pagano <ppagano@xxxxxxxxx.xxxx>

6/27/1999 10:21:20 AM

This is for Manuel about the Scala problem I am having...
Dear Manuel
I had been running Win95 now I am running 98 and i did
have a soundblaster 16 and now a SbLive! value card. Everything seems to be working except for the synth not reacting to the dump (TX81zs). I think it is something I am not doing correctly in Scala(gsplay) because the synths react fine to Midi out messages and they take the patch dump from the Cakewalk syx. dump--loading different voices. Is there a way to convert the tuning file to a sysx message that i can load into ckewalk and send to the synth? Otherwise is there some other program that operates in Win 98 to send the files to modules--I tried midimax but it only seems to be dos. Or is it something with the soundcard itself? In gsplay it says something about the blaster environment being set but I am not sure what that means. Please help me if you can
thanks and sorry folks for repeat messages but i am just trying to be clear to expedite a solution