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Transhuman composition

🔗Sarn Richard Ursell <>

6/15/2002 10:28:34 PM

Th<SNIP>The question about awareness assumes that awareness is a
mephenomenon of the physical body.

***Sarn says: I would like to believe that there was something eles that
made us more than a bunch of clever chemicals, and I do actually have a
theory that there MIGHT be a human soul, or this, hould rather, be a HYPOTHESIS.

I could go on and on and on, as I have done in previous notes about
homeopathy and the weird medical effects oof less is more, and
concentrations in as much as one part per googal, and there being ghosts of
memory remaining in an ever more dilute tincture, but evdience suggests that
humans are chemical.

Weather or not humans have a soul is questionable, but not "out of the

<SNIP>It completely ignores the
opposite possibility. Modern physics strongly points toward the
possibility that the physical body along with all physical phenomena
are a set of holographic-like metaphenomena generated from a
common "unified field" (uniting magnetic, electromagnetic,
gravitational, and the strong and weak nuclear forces) which is
itself not differentiable from awareness.

****Sarn says: I have heard newer theorys of the Universe being of that of
matter, enegry, dark matter and dark enegry, and also that of INFORMATION,
and every constituant particle of the Universe4 COULD have a NUMERICAL IDENTITY.

Science takes a reductionalist approach, and it seems to me that it knows
more-and-more about less-and-less.

A<SNIP>...a philosopher scientist was once discussing this in the presence of a
group of world-class scientists and kept mentioning the intelligence
implicit in the unified field from which all natural laws and
associated phenomena are generated via a process of "sequential
symmetry breaking" (from unified field theory). A prominent
physicist, hiself a unfied field theorist, asked him why he kept
referring to the unified field as intelligent.

Sarn says: A Universe as a mind????? Yes?!
SNIP>The philosopher asked the physicist whether he thought himself to be
intelligent. The physicist answered that he did. The philosopher then
asked him if he thought he existed outside the unified field (from
which all matter and energy theoretically arises). The physicist saw
the point clearly and responded with a facial expression that clearly
indicated an "aha" experience.

Sarn says:Which I am doing, but cannot show on ASCII or pen and paper.

<SNIP>So consider the possiblity that every organism contains within it an
anolog, a practical implementation, of every natural law that has
participated in its evolution to that point. Eventually, there should
arise an organism that contains within it the complete set of natural
laws operating in nature. This organism would be capable of
reflecting locally the nature of the whole from which it originated.

Sarn says:An intelligent Universe??!? Yes!??!

<SNIP>It could consciously reflect on the nature of its own origin. It
could mirror the workings of nature in its own localized intelligence
and project them into objects that implemented those laws. It could
write scriptures describing itself as made in the image of its Source.

It could also stupidly deny its connection with the intelligence that
fostered its evolution. It could arrogantly consider itself, in spite
of its status as an infinitessimally small subcomponent of the cosmic
system that evolved it, as superior to everything else in the
universe from which it sprouted, and with this fragmented thinking
which destroys the integrity of the wholeness of our cosmos, create
technologies which it misapplies to destroy the very system that
sustains it.

Sarn says:Yes, but this NEEDN'T be so...

I can see a positive future, as long as there are intelligent people around.

