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Re: [tuning] Re:JI and the listening composer - reply to Dave

🔗Alison Monteith <>

6/13/2002 10:08:22 AM

dkeenanuqnetau wrote:

> --- In tuning@y..., Alison Monteith <alison.monteith3@w...> wrote:
> > But I can't get a better 1/1 - 7/6 - 4/3 - 3/2 - 7/4 - 2/1 other
> than by using those tones. An ET
> > would be pointless. I'd end up with more tones than I need and less
> precision.
> We're not talking about ETs or adding more tones. There are many other
> kinds of temperament besides ETs. But in this case, you're right. With
> only 5 notes and such a tight (and I'd say unrealistic for a
> wood-framed stringed instrument) error tolerance, I don't know of any
> microtemperament that can introduce any new JI intervals into the same
> 5 notes.
> That's all I'm trying to say, Dave. But always the curious one, I fully intend in the future to
> look at microtempering, it just all takes time.

I don't know about unrealistic error tolerance. If you have the technology for tight error
tolerance, why not use it? It pushes the envelope in my opinion.

Kind Regards